GreaseWeazle v4 Premium Drive

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gWeasleGUI QuickStart

Installing and using gWeasleGUI with a GreaseWeazle

Write a DD floppy image with gWeasleGUI

Using image files with GreaseWeazle and gWeasleGUI

Using HD floppies with GreaseWeazle

Using HD floppies with WinUAE and GreaseWeazle

Creating a new DD floppies with pre-formatted HD floppies

Using new HD disks as DD disks with the GreaseWeazle

Installing a GreaseWeazle to WinUAE

Installing and using a GreaseWeazle disk drive as a native drive in WinUAE Emulation

Updating the GreaseWeazle firmware with gWeasleGUI

Updating the GreaseWeazle firmware with gWeasleGUI