GreaseWeazle v4 Premium Drive

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GreaseWeazle v4 Premium Floppy Drive fully assembled drive

The GreaseWeazle v4 Ultra Premium Floppy Drive has the following features:
  • Premium GreaseWeazle v4 board with hardware warranty (board only).
  • 3D printed and stylish case with space for an LED
  • Standard HDD Floppy Drive
  • Power LED

Premium GreaseWeazle v4 board (purple pcb) has all Japanese capacitors and high quality LD1117 voltage regulator. These are built to last and come with a three year warranty which can be verified at

Standard HDD Floppy Drive which can read most any retro and modern 3.5in disk via the GreaseWeazle hardware and software both DD and HD.
** Having trouble working with retro HDD disks? Click here for help.

Stylish 3D printed case with a power LED. The power LED will light up indicating the GreaseWeazle board has power.

Also you may wish to checkout the GreaseWeazle official Facebook group


The general idea is that the commandline and GUI tools read and write an image file. To access the data you will need software which can read the image file. On Windows the drive does NOT act like a normal storage device, but the image files will have the content from the disk. Besides reading and writing there are commands that can be used for example to convert image files or clean a disk.

  • To retrieve content from a floppy you will issue a READ command and specify a new image file where disk will be stored.
  • To write an image file to a disk you will issue a WRITE command and specify an existing image file with the contents to write to the disk.

In emulation mode on WinUAE Rob Smith's plug in allows the drive to act as a native drive and can be used with both double density or high density disks.
** Having trouble working with retro HDD disks? Click here for help.
